TAT TVAM ASI, is a Sanskrit phrase meaning "That I am," serves as the guiding principle behind our brand. It represents the belief that every individual possesses the power within themselves to achieve their goals and aspirations.

Welcome to TAT TVAM ASI,- By Insideout Shift Co., your go-to brand for personal development and self care that nurtures your body, mind, and soul. We understand starting the journey can be exciting yet daunting. That's why we've created user-friendly and meaningful products to make your path smoother.

At TAT TVAM ASI, we're all about practice. Embrace a mindset of growth and dedicate yourself to practicing positive habits. Our carefully designed products, from journals to salts, equip you with practical tools for holistic development.

But wait, there's more! We're building a thriving community of like-minded individuals who are on their own growth journeys. Here, experts from diverse fields join forces to support one another. Share experiences, gain insights, and forge meaningful connections as we grow together.

By practicing our products and immersing yourself in our community, positive reform will become second nature. Nurture your body, expand your mind, and feed your soul with the power of positive thoughts. You'll witness incredible transformations along the way.

So, join us on this casual yet meaningful adventure at TAT TVAM ASI. It's all about Practice | Connect | Reform. Take that first step, explore our range of products, connect with our community, and watch as your body, mind, and soul thrive. Your personal growth journey starts here. Let's make it relatable and impactful, together.

  • Practice

  • Connect

  • Reform